Monday, September 26, 2016

Visual Dynamics: Week 2, Shape

During week 2, we explored letters as shapes. Below, I experiment with the letter A to make an Eiffel tower as well as some other shapes:

I also explored different fonts and how I could adjust them to carry meaning. I used a wide font and used a warp effect to make it look like it's bulging for 'weight gain':

I used a star-speckled font and changed the perspective on it so that it would lead your eyes vertically upwards, trying to suggest excellence, spirituality, ascension, aspiration, etc. as in the 'etoile du nord' photo below:

excellence, spirituality, ascension, aspiration, etc.

I also created a typographic logo for the James Bond Gold Finger movie. To do so, I used a strong font similar to the one one already used in the gold finger movies to make it seem more iconic. I saw that the L is shaped similarly to a gun, which is another iconic symbol of James bond, and combined it with the idea of a finger gun. (Someone pointing the index/index+middle finger while raising their thumb to look like a gun). The D serves as the trigger of the gun. To tie it up, I made the the letters of the word 'GOLD' a gold color, which simultaneously also helps to highlight the gun shape from the hand. The bottom part of the hand could also be perceived as another gun.

Using Photoshop, I built the body of a dog using round shape paths:

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